Our court is not allowed to provide legal advice to parties, their attorneys or to consider any ex parte (one sided) communication in a pending case. See, Nevada Rules of Professional Conduct for Lawyers, Rule 3.5; Nevada Code of Judicial Conduct, Rule 2.9.  This includes letters and telephone calls. Please consult the Rural Rules of Practice available at the Nevada Law Library website.

CONTINUANCES: If you want to request a continuance of a criminal matter, please understand that requests for continuances may be made either by a written agreement between you and the District Attorney’s Office or by you filing an appropriate and timely written motion. If there is a written stipulation to the continuance, a copy should be received by the Court before the time of the criminal appearance.

ADVANCEMENTS:   If you desire to have your first appearance or arraignment heard at an earlier date than you were given by the Jail or by the officer who issued your citation, you may enter into a written agreement between you and the District Attorney’s Office to have the case advanced or may file an appropriate and timely written motion.

GUILTY PLEAS:  If you desire to enter a plea of guilty or no contest to a misdemeanor citation or a traffic citation (ticket), please be advised that a plea by mail cannot be accepted unless a bail amount is noted on the citation by the issuing officer and (2) a money order or cashier’s check for the bail/fine is enclosed with your plea.

DISMISSALS: If you want to request that the court dismiss a case, please understand that the court cannot dismiss a case before arraignment (your first appearance in court) without the written consent of the District Attorney’s Office.

Our Court’s telephone number is 775-782-9955. The telephone number for the District Attorney’s Office is 775-782-9800.


Q. I’ve spoken to several different persons in the court. Why won’t anyone answer my question?

A. Your question may be legal in nature. Court employees can give PROCEDURAL information only, but are prohibited from providing any information that can be construed as legal advice. NRS 7.285 states “A person shall not practice law in this state if the person is not an active member of the State Bar of Nevada…”

Q. Do you have an attorney that will answer my legal questions?

A. No, however, you may call Lawyer Referral at the State Bar of Nevada or call (702)382-0504. 

Q. Can you give me information about my case that is in another court?

A. No. If you need information about a case in another court you will need to contact that court.

Q. Do I have to wait until my court date to resolve my citation?

A. No.  If you DO NOT wish to contest the citation and the citation lists a bail amount and not “Mandatory Appearance” you may sign the back of the ticket and bring it or mail it to the court with your full payment before your appearance date.

Q. Can an attorney request an adjudication of a citation electronically (fax or e-mail)?

A. No.

Q. How can I find information about a case, including if a complaint has been filed, next court date, bail amount, requirements due and disposition?

A. You may visit our counter or telephone us. But please understand that we get hundreds of telephone calls, so you might not be able to reach us quickly. Please do not wait until the last minute to make inquiries.

Q.  Do I need an attorney to appear in court?

A. No, you do not need an attorney to appear in court. However, individual parties appearing in proper person are required to follow local court rules. You can also do research at the Nevada Law Library to research requirements of litigants by the Court.

Q. Can I make an appointment to talk to the judge?

A. No.  An appointment to talk with the judge is not allowed. All ex-parte communication is prohibited by law. Each party or their respective attorney must have the opportunity to be involved in all communications. This also means we cannot pass on email or letters addressed to a judge on matters pertaining to an active case.

Q. How can I be heard by the judge?

A. The Court may only receive information on a case pending before a judge by the filing of the appropriate motion (a document indicating what relief/issue you want the judge to address). The motion would be set on the court’s calendar and each party has the opportunity to appear and be heard. If you do not know what motion to file, reviewing the local court rules at the Nevada online Law Library might help.

Q. I missed my court date. What should I do?

A. If you missed your court date without proper notification, depending on the case type, numerous things may occur:

Criminal cases: A warrant will have been issued for your immediate arrest.

Traffic cases: There is a thirty (30) day grace period. If you have not appeared on a Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. or paid the citation a Notice of Intention to Issue a Warrant will be mailed to you at the address listed on the citation along with a courtesy copy to the registered owner listed on the citation if different from the defendant. You will have an additional thirty (30) days to take care of the citation or a warrant will be issued for your immediate arrest.

Q.  May I obtain a copy of my court video?

A. Yes. The court can produce a copy of a court appearance with a written request. There is a $50.00 fee for the making of the CD.


Public DVD Order Form 71.70 KB 177 downloads


Q. I cannot pay my fine all at once. May I make payments?

A. Yes, but you must first appear at the clerk’s office to enroll for scheduled payments and sign a Notice of Setting with your date promising to pay or appear. There is an additional $35.00 fee for any continuances. For more on payments and payment types accepted, please visit our Payments page.

Q. May I pay on-line?

A. Yes. Click here to pay online.

Q. Do you have a drop box?

A. No.

Q.  I’ve looked all over the Internet and I can’t find the legal form I need.

A.  It is possible that a ready-made form for your particular legal need has not been created.  However, please check our available forms here. https://eastforkjusticecourt.com/forms/

Q. Where can I get a copy of my Marriage Certificate?

A. Information regarding Marriage Certificates is available through the Recorder’s Office in the County where your Marriage License was issued.

Q. Where can I get a copy of my Divorce Decree?

A. Information regarding Divorce Decrees is available through the District Court in the County where your divorce was obtained.

Q. Can I appear by phone or video?

Our court offers video or phone conferencing for parties who do not live locally.  You must request to appear by phone or video conference in writing, and include the $35.00 court processing fee.  You may get a copy of the request here.


Motion to Appear by Phone or Video 17.65 KB 274 downloads
